Symptoms Unknown

My ovaries hurt. At least that’s what I thought until I looked up where my ovaries are located. Surprise! They are under the belly button, not in my high groin. So my lymph nodes are swollen. Or at least that’s what this chart of the human body indicates. Any they’ve been achy for days. Here is yet another side effect of the pandemic, bizarre, deeply researched symptoms that are related to who knows what. The virus? Unlikely. But these days, no crazy fear is ruled out. This is rocket fuel for hypochondriacs- which I do not identify as- though my reflex response to the unknown is almost always sheer unbridled fear and anxiety. I’m working on it. A friend send me a post yesterday, “stop googling symptoms for coronavirus and start googling symptoms for grief.” I felt the poignancy of that. That we are all grieving while analyzing our body movements. And then of course I googled, “symptoms of grief.” Turns out swollen lymph nodes in your groin is not a symptom. This would all sound very ridiculous- almost humorous at another point in time. But we are not at another point in time. And my groin is achy. TMI? Is it TMI even for me? Like, does it help me to know this and harp on it? No, surely it does not. And I’m back to the same recommended treatment for all symptoms: Breathe. Space. Social distance from the news.


The Antidote For Resentment


Good Grief, And The Bad