Hello Darkness My New Friend
I’ve been thinking a lot about the shadow. The dark parts of ourselves that we reject and ignore. These are usually the parts of others that we despise. The parts we find difficult to confront. I did this exercise where I write down the traits of people I find challenging and then I rewrite it so I own those same traits. This practice comes from the book, “The Dark Side of The Light Chasers” by Debbie Ford. It goes like this. If I think others are “toxic, imposing, crazy, unstable or inappropriate” then I have to own those qualities myself. I am toxic. I am imposing. I am crazy. I am unstable. And so on. I know I’ve hit something sensitive when I cringe when making the statement. There it is. The thing I need to work on embracing within myself to feel more full, more worthy, more encompassing. It’s a very interesting practice in moments like the current one we are facing in the world. We see how people step up or endanger others, how they are brave or where they seem to fall short. It helps me judge less and use empathy to understand behavior more. This is something I particularly practice when it comes to our politicians. Some have been clear, human and direct like Governor Andrew Cuomo, others have hide behind inaction or stalling. And of course, lives are at risk. So this behavior moves from ineffective to downright dangerous . In an effort to focus on what we can control and surrender the rest, I focus on what darkness exists within me. I start with shining light on the closets within in my mind. The bolted tight ones. The things that spark rage or reaction are indicators. Ah yes, there is work to be done here. Let’s start here, with me. And then we can worry about the rest.