Forecast: Overcast

It’s appropriately cloudy. Feels a bit like groundhog day. Difficult to stay with a routine. Pretty irritable today. Nick and I walked to the mailbox to mail a letter. It was Homer’s Odyssey. The mission of our times. We both wore masks and after Nick touched the mailbox and readjusted his mask, I was consumed by panic. Oh Tuesdays. Today feels murky. The overcast nature of all of this sinking in. Brene Brown talks about the surge of energy we get in times of crisis. The adrenaline that gets us to act and move without being stuck in shock. That seems to have passed now. I’m manically writing ideas around the coronavirus. How to creatively unite people, guide the anxious and explain to kids what’s happening. I oscillate between that and exhaustion. Mania and naps. I just impulse ordered three sourdough bread making kits. That should solve it! One day at a time. Must remember to take breaks and workout. Move my body, The hypochondria is peaking right now. I need to do something for myself that will make me happy today. Maybe draw with crayons? I don’t know. I’ve reverted to being six years old. Trying to soothe my young self with little creative snacks. Speaking of snacks, I must find out what the peanut butter is up to…


Something’s Happening Here


Clam Looking For Shell